Friday, February 3, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

 This Party belongs to my beautiful Niece Lexi.  My sister asked me to make Lexi a sweet Candy table, these are some of the things I made for her, above are some tasty cake pops.
 These are some gumballs on skewers, I think they look super bright and cute.
 These are her very own glitter wands (pretzal rods dipped in white chocolate and sprinkled with pink sugar)
 I made these table center pieces using some cute pink boxes from Target and  I added the Aurora balloon, some gumball skewers and marshmallow pops with Lexi's name on them.
 Here is the table looking mighty sweet!
 Here are some close up pictures....
 a little more...
 and more...
 These are the marshmallow pops with her name on them, my nieces Denise and Andy helped make them!
 Check out her chocolate bar candy wrappers!  They were really cute, we left off the foil, and I think they still looked kinda cool!
 These are sugar cookie crowns with Lexi's age on them the big 5!

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